The Immortal Mindset

You Forever

What if you knew you would never die?

How would your life change?

What would be different?

How would it feel?

What would it feel like if everything you did, you only did because you wanted to?

Instead of feeling you had to get it done before it was too late??

What if you could have it all?

Discover the power within you.

This program is intended to have you discover your natural and inborn Immortal Mindset.

Your body already has this perspective.

It always has.

The wisdom of the body.

And to find your body’s internal wisdom is to suddenly feel a wave of relief and then a sense of power.

Then everything in life becomes easier and attainable.

All of your deadlines die when you Awaken the Dragon, the highest goal of the Temple.

Awaken the Dragon.

And how can you Awaken your Innermost Self, the one we call the Dragon?

At its heart it is living as an Immortal Being who cannot be destroyed and who can enjoy the pleasures of life unending.

To Awaken the Dragon is to live from the perspective that you will never die.

That you are … FOREVER.

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An mp3 audio program – 42 minutes